Welcome Back, Kotter is an American television sitcom that originally aired on the ABC network from September 9, 1975 to June 8, 1979. The show starred comedian Gabriel Kaplan as the title character Gabe Kotter, a wise-cracking teacher who returns to his high school alma mater - the fictional James Buchanan High in Brooklyn, New York - to teach an often unruly group of remedial wiseguys known as the "Sweathogs." The school's principal dismissed them as worthless hoodlums and only expected Kotter to attempt to control them until they inevitably dropped out. ALL 95 Uncut Episodes - 4 Seasons on 9 DVDS Excellent video and audio quality 100% in chronological order Commercial free and unedited 30 day return if you are not satisfied These DVDs are region free so they will play on any DVD player Worldwide and DVD-Rom, X-Box or PS2 worldwide.